Friday, 14 September 2012

The Amazing Spiderman may not be the Best thing for the Spiderman Franchise

The Amazing Spiderman was, to put it simply, a fantastic movie. It stayed more true to the comic books then the past Spiderman movie line, (the synthetic web-shooters, the Gwen Stacey relationship, and the Flash Gordon led Spiderman Fan club being examples that come to mind) and it contained a great storyline, great effects and incredible character development. Despite all this, and the film being a financial success, I do not believe that this was the best direction for the spiderman universe to take. The Spiderman film rights are currently owned by Sony and, in order to keep those rights, a new movie must be produced every 5 years. This explains the rushed and unfulfilling Spiderman 3. (It was also the forced input of Sony that had the villain Venom thrust last minute into the film, which was also rather unfulfilling.) Had Sony not produced another Spiderman film, the rights would have been reverted to Marvel. Based on the success on the latest series of Marvel Movies; Captain America, Thor, The avengers, etc. I believe that The new Spiderman, under the direction of Marvel Studios, would have been even better. It would also allow Spiderman to interact with other Characters from that universe and let's be real. Spiderman in the Avengers would have been sweet.
( Photo from )

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